Sunday, May 11, 2008

Compare and Contrast

I always hated "compare and contrast" essay questions on tests in school. They always felt so contrived. I never really understood why we couldn't just make lists. lol

Anyway, people ask me a lot how this pregnancy compares to the others. It's definitely more like my second than my first. I'm guessing that's because the first time around, my body had never gone through all the changes you go through. Plus, I wasn't already chasing around any little ones.  That definitely makes a difference.  Mainly, my energy runs out a little faster, and my body feels creaky and worn out at the very end and very beginning of each day. And I still have three weeks before my third trimester officially starts! But other than that, I have no real complaints. Sure, I wish there was no swelling, no additional stretch marks and that I would only gain 25 pounds, but that's definitely not in the cards.  So no need to worry about it! :)

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