Thursday, June 5, 2008

Good News!

Well, we received confirmation a couple of days ago that Andy WILL able to be here for the birth of the baby (who still has no name, by the way). Yay!!!

His battalion is scheduled to go to California for the month of August for pre-deployment training, so we've been waiting for two months now to find out if he would be able to skip it or not.  God bless his new battalion commander! He stated at the last spouse/family meeting that if you are due to have a baby in August, then you won't be going. His quote was, "This is a training event. A birth is a one-time event." I love it.

So now the only logistical baby thing we need to figure out is who will watch Dominic and Clark when I actually go into labor. But that's nothing compared to what I might have had to otherwise arrange. 


Armin DeFiesta said...

Sweet news! What a cool commander!

Emily said...

Yes! He rocks! We definitely like him.