Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Destined for boys?

I often wonder if there is any rhyme or reason why people have the particular combination of kids they have. Is there a grand, cosmic reason why I am having all boys, or is it total chance? I know science says it's a 50/50 shot each time, but I still wonder. 

When I look back on my life, there seem to be little clues pointing the way to this life.

My one sibling is my younger brother, Ben, so I've been in the know regarding boys for a good 29 years. I of course felt all those responsible big sister feelings for him, certainly past the time he ever felt the need to have a second mother. One of his favorite things to say to me when I tried to tell him what to do was, "You're not the boss of me." Ah, memories.

My first best friend was a little boy - Danny Boy Allen. We went to the same babysitter and I always preferred his company to anyone else's. I also figured I would marry him. I was 4. 

I have three girl cousins - sisters - and every summer we all spent a week sharing the "bunk room" at our grandparents' beach house in the Outer Banks when we were young. And there was, well, a lot of bickering among them. lol I remember thinking to myself once that if I had to have three of one kind of children, I'd want it to be boys. Sorry, girls, and Aunt Laura, if you're reading this! 

I found babysitting little boys to be much easier - I discovered I hated playing house and with baby dolls and Barbies. Refereeing boys' rambunctious play with each other or just playing games with them was definitely preferable. 

One summer while in college, I worked at a daycare center with 5 year-olds who would be starting kindergarten that fall. I found myself completely smitten with a little boy named Sam. I thought he was the cutest thing ever.

My favorite colors are brown and blue. 

The first time I met my nephew, Nate, in his little blue hat and blue gown, all I could think was cutest. baby. ever. I want one. lol And almost exactly two years later, I did. :)

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