Monday, July 28, 2008


Well, I finally got childcare lined up for when I go into labor. My friend Maria Figueroa has graciously agreed to take care of Dominic and Clark when the time comes and that is definitely a load off my mind. 

No other real changes, other than yesterday was another day of crazy mood swings. Today I feel normal again, which is nice. 

I guess I'm pretty much all set at this point. I finished up the final baby shopping, and got all of that stuff washed and put away. I suppose there's nothing left to do at this point but actually go into labor. 

I'm looking forward to my Wednesday OB appointment to see how much, if any, I've dilated and effaced. It's really hard not to hope for the same sort of progress as last time - 4 cm before I actually went into labor! That's 4 cm of pain-free dilation! It took 6 hours of labor to get to 4 cm with Dominic. That's the point at which I decided to go ahead and go for that epidural. lol

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